Sunday, January 13, 2008


this year hasn't started off so great. i'm not going to go into detail though. i think most everyone knows what's been going on.

i'm going to try to be positive. i know, that's weird for me, right? well, i need something to get me through each day and negativity on top of stress isn't going to cut it. so here's hoping that things can only get better.

i think i'm going to seriously start looking for another job. it's not that i hate my job. it's that i know it's not right for me. at this point, i'm not really sure i'm going to find something that's perfect for me, but i need something that's a little closer than what i've got.

there's not really much else to say.

i love michelle because she calls me on my shit.

1 comment:

michelle laura said...

i know you love me :]

&& i do call you on your shit.
its only outta loveeee :P