Sunday, December 23, 2007

i never update this thing.

i kind of forgot about this. only kind of though. it's mostly that i just never have anything to say. and partly because i prefer livejournal, not that i update that very much either.

let's see. what do i have to say?

i fucking hate december and christmas. why everyone in my family feels the need to turn into a fucking dick around this time of year is completely beyond me. but i'm so irritated these days and i just don't want to be around anyone.

apparently, i'm not allowed to complain about work anymore at home. it's "obnoxious" i guess? okay. sure. everyone else can complain about work or school or whatever but i do it and it's obnoxious. right. IC WUT U ALL DID THURR. (except not really.)

i want a vacation. really bad. i want to get away from everyone. i don't know why but i'm so sick of everything again. =/

i know i complain a lot. i'm sorry.

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