Saturday, October 20, 2007

and again.

three weeks down, one to go. i keep telling myself that but then i realize all that means is that i get to do this same thing closer to home. now, i'm not going to say i hate this job. it's not one of those things where i wake up in the morning and seriously consider shoving a pointy object in my eye just to get out of going. no, i don't hate it. but i definitely do not love it. not nearly. it's okay. i might be able to grow to like it once i get a little more used to all the procedures and the nervousness goes away. and to be honest, i would probably like it a little better if i could sit sometimes. my ankle has been giving me no end of problems this last week and it's only a matter of time until my knee starts hurting too.

however, i do love everyone at the vallejo branch and i'm kind of sad that i'm not going to actually be working there. i'm not sad that i won't be living in a hotel though. i can definitely do without that part. and apparently, i'm not even going to the branch i got hired for at first. i'm going to the other one in martinez first. for at least a month, possibly more. it's not a big deal, i guess. just a little on the frustrating side. like nothing about this job is going the way it was presented to me. but i suppose we won't get into that in any more detail.

in other news, i was just at amy's house watching rachel and her friends get ready for homecoming. probably the only time i will ever see michelle merino in a dress. the girls looked so pretty and grown up. it actually made me feel kind of old. =/

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