Tuesday, July 31, 2007


once again i can't sleep. there's nothing on tv. and of course myspace is being all LOL ERROR ERROR ERROR. which means i can't even play around on there.

i wrote a lovely rant earlier today and i can't decide if i should post it or not.

i'm kind of freaking out because i think there's a brown recluse spider in my house. as in, i saw a spider that looks a hell of a lot like a brown recluse.

i just went back and deleted 'so' from three places in this post. i realized that i use that word too much.

my phone just finished charging. completely random and who really cares, right? the only reason i got back up after i went to bed (but couldn't fall asleep) was because my phone died. and i thought, what better time to charge it?

this post is ridiculous and has no point. it didn't even waste that much time and i still have nothing to do.

Friday, July 27, 2007

shoot me, someone.

this whole not being able to sleep at a reasonable hour thing is getting ridiculous. it's just about 3AM and i'm wide awake. it's not for a lack of trying though. i lay in bed for an hour and a half and... nothing. one would think that just LAYING THERE in the dark doing nothing would make someone bored and therefore tired. apparently that's not how it works. not for me anyway.

and on top of that, not only does my ankle still hurt, but my knee hurts too. that hasn't happened in awhile. can we just amputate my whole right leg? i'd look pretty sweet with only one leg, right?

um, yeah. i don't have anything constructive to say at all. i'm just frustrated and wanted to complain. and complain i did.

Sunday, July 22, 2007


not only did i manage to drop my phone on my ankle while i was sitting on my bed earlier, i smacked it into the leg of a chair a few hours later. as if it wasn't bothering me enough before all that. it's kind of killing me now. boo.

i also did not go see 2*Sweet tonight even though they were playing two miles down the street from my house. basically, i'm not supposed to be spending money and i decided it wasn't worth getting on my dad's bad side over. i'm bummed, but at the same time, i probably shouldn't have gone with all the shit i did to my ankle today anyway.

um. that's all.

Saturday, July 21, 2007


there's a difference between living life and killing yourself.

you really wanna take me on? fucking bring it.

Friday, July 20, 2007

i'm really... special.

my virus scan updates itself every day around 2AM. this made sense when my brother set it up because i was working and most likely would be sleeping at that time, so it wouldn't interrupt anything i do.

so anywho, it always updates itself and when it's done, a box pops up with an 'okay' button for me to push. well, not this time. this time, it was a box telling me that i need to restart my computer for the updates to work. and, being me, i don't pay any attention to what it says and just push the button. the one that says, yes, please shut down everything i'm in the middle of and restart my computer right now so i'm completely and totally protected from a virus i might randomly get while my computer is not being used.

good job, bets. good job.

not that i was doing anything important. but that's hardly the point.

so, i think i'll go try that sleeping thing because i'm supposed to get up at a decent hour so i can go driving again before my dad has to go to work.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

two posts in less than 12 hours.

i really want to scream.

my journal, my thoughts?

so i've got these stupid journals all over the place. most of them are dead, for whatever reason. but there are a few that are alive, including one that no one knows about. and the idea of these things, if i'm not mistaken, is to write your thoughts, opinions, etc. YOURS. and it doesn't necessarily have to be things that everyone will agree with. right? so if that's the case, why do i feel like i have to censor shit because someone might get offended? it's frustrating, because "in real life" i rarely censor myself. i probably offend people all the time, because hey, i have an opinion and i like to express it. so why is it such a big damn deal on the internet?


in other news- i need a job so i can afford a trip to the doctor. there for real is something wrong with my ankle and i should get it checked out.

and i also can't type today.

edit: i am an idiot. censor, not sensor.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


not interested in internet drama.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

just... no.

this is not okay, i don't care who you are:

i died a little inside. ='(

Thursday, July 5, 2007


okay really, it's far too hot. my brain can't even comprehend 101 degrees, so my body doesn't have any clue how to function properly. this is beyond ridiculous.

i wish so hard that i lived in san francisco.